Hari Pahlawan


the day of hero is the day which we celebrate to proud of our hero. Day of hero is celebrate in every november,10
the people of surabaya also celebrate it in many kinds of acticities, such as the contest of education, or
sometimes their "nonton bareng" history of colonial in tugu pahlawan museum. That day is describe the spirit of "arek-arek suroboyo"
to fight with the colonial.im very proud of that spirit which could make our free from the colonial until now.
my school,SMAN 11 SURABAYA also celebrate it in the flag ceremony at the SMAN 11's yard. that flag ceremony will be held tomorrow,
at november,10 2009 at 07.00 a.m. i hope that flag ceremony tomorrow reminds not only for me but also my other friends with that spirit from our hero.
so , we can learn from it,and we can show our new spirit to study harder n love our country.

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